By: Joe Hoxha
I have used this platform many times this year to express my political views and I plan on continuing to
do so over the months and hopefully years, as is my right to try to do so, but more importantly as is your
right as the people to know what the views of not just me but anyone trying to earn your vote and
represent you in government are. Whether you agreed with my views or not, voted for me, or not, I just
want to take this opportunity to thank everyone, to thank them for the massive turn out in the primary
this year. Plymouth had one of the highest turnouts of any town or city in Connecticut for the August
primaries. So thank you all for being such concerned and civically engaged citizens and doing your part
to help preserve Plymouth values for hopefully many, many, years to come. Thank you for helping to
make Plymouth such a great community. As some of you may know I am running for the 78 th State Rep
seat in Plymouth and Bristol unopposed this November a seat held for over a decade by Whitt Betts. I
certainly know that I have big shoes to fill, but if nothing else I make to you this promise, I promise that I
will always make myself available to the people of the 78 th and that I will always listen to your voices,
YOU are my boss and not the other way around!
The August primaries are now a distant memory, we should all be shifting our focus to November. This
November could prove to be one of the most consequential elections in history. Do we continue down
the current path we’re on of high cost of living, high crime, and worst of all uncertainty for the future of
our children? Or do we make a statement this November at the ballot box, much like the voters in
Plymouth made in August? We are losing residents to the southern states every year, if not for the
situation being worse in New York, Connecticut, would have a net loss of tens and tens of thousands of
people this last census. We have lost so many people to fiscally well managed states over the decades
that we have even had a congressional district taken away because of the drop in Connecticut’s
population being that steep. We cannot continue to head down this path, Connecticut is too important
for me and you to just give up. We need to turn things around and we can. Please get involved, please
talk to your neighbors, make phone calls for candidates you support, put up lawn signs, knock doors,
and please remember to go vote on November 8 th!